Project Overview
One of the biggest initiatives at JUST Capital is the Worker Financial Wellness Initiative, a coalition of nonprofits and corporations dedicated to improving the financial lives of their workers by raising wages and benefits.
Launched in 2020, the initiative slowly began to gain traction, with some of America’s largest companies signing on—including PayPal, Prudential Financial, Verizon, and several more. However, growth of the program stalled in 2022, and while there were several reasons, a glaring flaw was that the landing page that was supposed to entice companies to join and show the program’s success stories was AWFUL. Click here to see a snapshot of it. It was made originally as a blog post and then blown out to accommodate new material, and it showed. It did a terrible job of selling the program between its opening wall of text, the flurry of links guiding you everywhere EXCEPT getting in contact with us, the disconnected videos, and more. Even more important was the fact that you had to DIG to find the information on HOW the initiative had actually impacted everyday workers.
To continue to grow the program and show it’s impact, we needed something much more persuasive. I was brought in to completely redo the page from top to bottom, as well as the general user flow throughout. At the same time, we were finishing up a series of Worker Story videos showing the lives of some of the employees positively impacted by these companies improving their wages and benefits, which would be the lead for the redesign.
Knowing this, I pitched the layout for the full redesign, the copy, additional branching pages, and a promotional plan to the team, and was given the green light to go for it.
Step 1: Getting the Worker Story Videos Right
We hired an external partner to help us film and edit interviews with employees that were impacted by the Worker Financial Wellness Initiative at PayPal, Verizon, Prudential, and Chipotle, creating both 3-min and 1-min versions of each company’s interview, as well as the compilation video you see at the top of the page.
We went back and forth with them for weeks making suggestions until we got until the final edits, and in the end the videos turned out tremendously well, and were easily the most persuasive pieces of content we had in promoting the successes of the program and getting other companies to understand why they should become a part of it.
If you look at the new page here, you can see we gave the compilation video top billing, and made sure to immediately follow it up with the question that guides the starting journey for companies who join the initiative—do you know the financial wellness of your workers?
Step 2: Creating more Persuasive Copy and Visuals
With the videos in the can, it was time to dramatically rework the structure of the landing page—creating more persuasive copy (and working with our designer to condense much of it with visuals), improving our proof points, and generally making it a much quicker, visual experience to go through.
Extra attention was paid to the CTA (the snapshot to the right). While there are several CTAs throughout the landing page encouraging companies to reach out and putting them into a pre-filled inquiry form, I made sure to really blow it up in the middle of the page, making it stand out visually and surrounding it with our best proof points—the videos of our impact above, and news stories written about the Initiative below.
Step 3: Building Out Case Studies and Creating Promotional Material for the Companies
In addition to overhauling the main webpage, we gave each video its own separate, interlinking case study page to help with promotion and go deeper into the featured worker and company.
When it came to promotion, each company was given the 3-min and 1-min version of their worker interviews, along with an additional list of quotes from the cut portions of the video that might work for social. While we encouraged them to promote the main Initiative overall, I gave them the case study pages to ensure that every company had their own “highlight” page. Lastly, we gave them social templates for most platforms, but with an emphasis on LinkedIn and Instagram given the audiences we wanted to reach, crafted a joint press release, and worked with our some of our biggest contacts/influencers to get them onboard with the promotion as well.
Then we officially relaunched the page in April 2023.